We received a letter from Poland containing a really weird CD.
Written on the disc is what looks like a product key, however upon examining the contents of the CD it’s quite clear that this is a puzzle of some sort.
The CD contains a video of this creepy looking dude in what appears to be an abandoned building doing.. stuff..
There are tons of clues in his actions, for one he seems to be blinking in morse code (or something similar, possibly binary) with a light in his hand. There are also symbols popping in and out around him. There might also be clues in his body language, albeit more subtle.
In the DVD menu there is also a clue, which I almost missed.
Clearly a lot of effort was put into making this, and I’m personally very curious as to what it actually is.
I haven’t put all that much time on trying to decode it. I tried googling the letters on the CD and in the video, to no avail. I also checked the disc for hidden files, but there’s just the video. Also there didn’t seem to be any clues on the envelope itself, just our address and a polish stamp.
And while there are a few similar puzzles like this, I couldn’t find anything about this one.
So I’m reaching out to you to try and help decode this.
Here is the actual video:
If you know what it is or if you manage to crack it, please leave a comment, or send us a message in the contact section.
It would be great to know what this oddity actually is.
Update 1:
This post has received a lot of attention. It’s getting closer to an answer.
Somebody on Reddit put the sound into a spectrogram and this came out. One thing is for sure, there are indeed hidden messages in the video.
This comment was also posted:
Using computer forensics, I’m going to try a stab at this bitch. Base64 Encoded string on the front on your CD. Encoded as ‘YWEldTAxMDJVJXUwVWFjZ2E=’ is now ‘aa%u0102U%u0Uacga’. Now we’re like “shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit”, but I’m like, that 11B-X-1371 seems familar to me. aa%u0102U%u0Uacga could be some puzzle too, i see a pattern, if we turn %u into – we get aa-0102U-0Uacga, then standard writing formats for UNICODE are U+XXXX, X’s indicated a validate integer. so U+0000 = NULL byte, so we have U+0 (0U), and U+0102 = Ă (0102U) or U+0201 = ȁ (0102U) if they wrote it backwards to screw with you more. Since they is potentially a null byte, i’ll exclude it. Now we have aa-Ă-acga and aa-ȁ-acga, if the letters of the alphabet represent their corresponding incrementing numeric value, we get 11-Ă-1371 and 11-ȁ-1371 huh similar to that 11B-X-1371.. okay wait.. lets not exlcude that null byte, and flip something around, 11[NULLBYTE]-ȁ-1371/11[NULLBYTE]-Ă-1371. Now we’re closer.. so maybe it’s not unicode or maybe it still is..
I have to work in the morning, and have to head out. I might come back to this. Hopefully this helps someone. By the way, googling 11B-X-1371 lead me to a few posts from May about the same video and creepiness, plus a youtuber named “Parker Wright” upload this video about a week ago with 11B-X-1371 as the title.
So it would seem I’m not the only one who has received this. Couldn’t find anything about that ‘Parker Wright’ though.
And lastly, someone has screencapped all the hidden messages and put them into an album. Thanks!
Update 2:
Someone has found a message in morse code that translates to ‘RED LIPSLIFE TENTH’
Not sure if this has any relevance, but it’s interesting at least.
“E2-E3 D1-F3 F1-C4 F3xF7” below and to their left at 1:37.
This is a four-move checkmate in chess if that helps at all
I have also received emails asking questions about this. To sum up, I received the letter several months ago, didn’t really think to post it until recently. The letter was addressed simply to ‘Gadgetzz’ and our PO box.
Note, you can find our addresses on the website, and they chose to send it to our Swedish adress and not the one in the US.
Whatever this is, we might be getting an answer soon. Thanks to anyone who has helped figure this out
Update 3:
It’s getting really weird now.
First of, people are saying it looks like the kind of mask doctors wore during the black death plague. The beak is to fill with various herbs. Somewhat interesting.
And this is where it starts to get seriously creepy.
Yeah this is creepy… 33 38 2e 38 39 37 37 30 39 2c 2d 37 37 2e 30 33 36 35 34 33
Coded GPS coordinates:
The White House, W Executive Ave NW, Washington, DC 20502
But the sickest part is that when decoding images from the sound, disturbing images where uncovered.. Basically what looks like women being tortured, or something.. That’s obviously NSFW, so I won’t post it, but you can find it easily if you look around a bit.
Now there are so many theories about this. Some say Illuminati, some say serial killer or even a threat directed at me. Perhaps, perhaps not, but I am highly skeptical. It makes sense to send it to me if it’s an elaborate joke or experiment, but if it were a serious threat I doubt it would be sent to a tech blog.
One person commented this, and it makes a lot of sense.:
There’s a good indication that the purpose of the message is not to send a message, the short “artistic” touches used from time to time. If you want to send a message of significance you don’t need that.
But it’s still very odd and interesting. Together we have made quite a bit of progress figuring this thing out. Quite impressive people! Let’s keep going.
Update 4:
It seems the first place this was posted to has been found. A post on the ‘paranormal’ board on the imageboard 4chan. This was one the 9th of May.
Possibly that was the person who made it, but the post says that the CD was found on a park bench. Either way, it makes me wonder even more how it ended up in my mail.
Update 5:
I almost missed this, apparently there is a different image from the sound in the DVD menu.
Update 6:
Someone might have found voices in the audio. Nothing specific yet though.
I have found voices in the recording but im having trouble isolating it. The best example I can find was between 20-40 seconds and it sits between 35-40 Hz & 70-90hz – It looks almost like an echo between the two bands of the same thing. Im going to try and layer the two bands together because 35-40 Hz on its own just sounds to rubbish to make out. I can also hear a clear beeping thats not in sync with the obvious morse code in the visual spectrum. Personally i think there is actually a bit more in the audio…
Update 7:
Well, since my last update this thing has reached a lot of people. More than I could have ever expected. Unfortunately nothing major has been uncovered and we aren’t much closer to an answer. But some interesting things have indeed been found.
The Daily Dot has found an even earlier version of the video than the Parker Wright one. Apparently this guy also claims to have found it on a park bench, just like the person in the 4chan thread. The Daily Dot reached out to him and he insisted he was not the one who sent it to me. But clearly we’re starting to see that this thing has been floating around more than we thought.
Oh and an interesting thing, the binary in the title translates to ‘Muerte’ which means death. Not sure where the uploader got that though.
This might be an important clue. It’s part of an email someone sent me and is referring to the audio track.
..there are specific pulses at 1.5khz, 4.4khz, 7.4khz. 10.515khz and 12.5khz look to be slightly different pulses. Unfortunately I can’t read morse code but there may be another layer there.
This person also found more imagery in the spectogram, although it’s hard to say if this a clue or just a random pattern.
Also people on a German forum seem to have uncovered a hidden 3D stereogram in the audio, which apparently reads, “you die.” I can barely see it, but many people say it’s there. The trick is to cross your eyes, like in one of those split 3D images.
I also decided to include a link to the ISO that has been floating around since many people are asking for it. You can find it here.
That link is down because of too much traffic. Here is our ISO.
Update 8:
This is pretty major! I have found the envelope in which the CD came. I have included pictures of every angle.
Apparently I remember a few things about it incorrectly. There were several stamps, not just one. Also it was addressed to me rather than just the blog. The mystery deepens
I think there’s a possibility that the stamps are clues. On one of the stamps it looks like a person with a mask, not like the one in the video, but it still caught my attention.
The date stamps are very hard to read, but I think it says it was sent on may 23. Also it might have been sent from Warsaw, at least it stopped by there, the date stamps are from Warsaw.
Here are more images:
I didn’t resize the images, so they might take a while to load. A tip would be to open them in a new tab
Also this comment just came in
A sequence of flashing lights at 00:32.920.
“2015THEREWILLBE(THREE)” (found on reddit)
One last note: Sorry I can’t answer all your emails, I’m just getting so many. But if your email includes something new that hasn’t been seen before I’ll make sure to try and post about it.
Update 9:
Well, this is no doubt the most interesting theory yet:
Skrillex is an electro DJ known for his references and taste for illuminati and satanic issues. Has a very known song/video called “Red Lips” that came out in May 2015. Maybe is kinda marketing campaign, or maybe this can be the stolen CDs that Skrillex declared that had been stolen from his hotel room. Others electro DJs like Aphex Twin had before put hidden images in the specrogram, like in the musical video WindowLicker
Update 10:
Some pretty major stuff has been uncovered.
Someone has found the house in which the video was filmed! It’s an old mental hospital near Warsaw, the full Polish name is Zakład dla Nerwowo i Psychicznie Chorych Żydów Zofiówka.
#11BX1371 pic.twitter.com/GAZeXbw8K1
— Exen (@Exen) October 21, 2015
This is how I got the #11BX1371 location. Searched Polish Google for images of abandoned estates with trees. Luck… pic.twitter.com/SOqnIHtcnU — Exen (@Exen) October 21, 2015
Another major thing is that the origin of at least two of the gruesome images have been found.
Image of girl is the same as this image from the German movie Slasher made in 2007. I’ll link it to you, but be warned, it’s very much NSFW.
In the Audio Spectrograph, one of the images you can see, looks like a tortured girl BUT it also looks veeery close to Courbet’s Painting “Origin of the World”. The diferences are that the spectrograph version is shaved. Wich is an Andrey Keske art based on the Courbets.
I’ll link that too, but same warning, not safe for work. You can find it here
This is certainly a relief for me, even though I was skeptical, we now know it’s not a serial killer at least.
Also a ‘Capricorn symbol’ was found on one of the stamps.
Someone tried to contact Maxell and find out where the DVD was sold. Unfortunately they couldn’t tell us.
More hidden messages found:
I was finally able to decode this:
41 20 6e 65 77 20 6f 72 64 65 72 20 69 73 20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20 72
69 73 65 2e 20 59 6f 75 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 6a 6f 69 6e 2c 20 6f 72
20 79 6f 75 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 66 61 6c 6c 2e 20 54 68 65 20 76 69
72 75 73 20 68 61 73 20 73 70 72 65 61 64 20 74 6f 6f 20 66 61 72 3b
20 69 74 20 6d 75 73 74 20 62 65 20 73 74 6f 70 70 65 64 2e 20 57 65
20 77 69 6c 6c 20 64 69 6b 65 20 69 74 20 61 74 20 69 74 27 73 20 72
6f 6f 74 2e 20 31 33 20 61 6e 69 20 35 30 2c 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 62
75 72 6e 2e
Which translates to:
“A new order is on the rise. You will join, or you will fall. The virus has spread too far; it must be stopped. We will dike it at it’s root. 13 ani 50, will burn.”
(The only part I’m not 100% sure is “13 ani 50”). It must be a year, I would think 1350 a.c. which also corresponds to the period of the “Black Death” in Europe.
The last major breakthrough is that the people at ‘Cognitive Journeys’ seem to have found Parker Wright. And a lot suggests it’s the right person. You can look it up if you like, but I don’t want to risk starting a witch hunt on the guy.
While we are getting more answers all the time it does not seem like we are actually getting closer to finding out what the point of this CD was. So many theories but nothing substantial. But let’s keep working and maybe we’ll find out.
Also, thanks to everyone who is emailing me these answers. It’s getting really hard to respond to everyone at this point.
Update 11:
The origin of two more of the hidden images has been found:
One of the embedded photos is from a horror movie called The Bunny Game, .. , and a third is an actual crime-scene photo showing a victim of Albert DeSalvo, better known as the Boston Strangler.
Daily Dot
Regarding that Parker Wright who seemed to fit the profile fairly well, he has now come out denying any involvement in this.
For people thinking that 11B X 1371 was me. I had nothing to do with that creepy video.
— Parker Wright (@parkerjwright) October 21, 2015
Also there’s this picture that was uploaded by the person who first uploaded the video to youtube.
Update 11:
So yeah.. Remember this picture? It was posted by the first uploader. He has contacted me asking to have it removed. Since he explained why I will respect his wishes. It was a nonsense message to throw the ‘researchers’ of. It said something along the lines of : ‘And give you the return of all, would still be the same?’ ‘Not everything you see can be, something only a mirror can see’. That, and coordinates to the easter island. I can see why he would feel like doing something like this, good thing he came clean though. Also this makes me fairly sure, that even though he was the original uploader he did not create this thing. It doesn’t exactly fit the ‘feel’ of the video either. Although one might just as well suspect the opposite, that he did in fact do it, and now regrets the whole thing. If you still think it’s worth looking into, others have posted it elsewhere. Note AETBX also made up the stuff about ‘one year or less’.
Update 12:
For some unknown reason Facebook blocked all links to our website. That is of course extremely weird, and sort of adds to the mystery. Obviously no other news outlet that covered this has been blocked. But we are trying to resolve it, if you want to help you can report an issue to Facebook explaining this.
Update 13:
I forgot to mention something that was found a while ago. ‘We are the antivirus’ has been found in the spectrogram. Most of you have already seen it, I just forgot to write it up. Thanks to those who reminded me. A so called Pigpen cipher has been decoded, it holds the message ‘AD OPPUGNARE HOMINES’ which is latin for ‘To target men’. Enigma code has also been found, but so far no luck with deciphering it. AETBX keeps spreading supposedly false information. This new spectrogram was sent to Reddit user theufomusic, it includes this message:
0101010001100101001000000111001101101001 0110011101110101011001010010000001110001 0111010101100101011001000110000101101110 0110010001101111001000000011000100100000 0110000111000011101100010110111100100000 0110110101100101011011100110111101110011 [ES] Te sigue quedando 1 año menos [EN] You still has one year less (You still have one year or less)
So the questions, what on earth is this guy trying to do. He claims he didn’t create the video, yet he very much acts like it. You can get our ISO here. If this one also goes down there are tons of copies floating around, just google it.
Update 13:
Not much substantial seems to have happened since the last update. Although it is getting kind of hard to keep track of everything, so feel free to let me know if I missed anything. In the meanwhile I obviously have a blog to run, a job to do and my studies to worry about. But I am trying my best to report on any news regarding this. Also, I ask that you keep comments about the puzzle in this post or the one about the different theories. Thank you
Update 14:
The origin of another image in the spectrogram has been found. It’s a stock photo created by Jeff Thrower. You can see it here Thanks Ky0 13 ani (and?) 50 was part of one of the decrypted messages. It’s been suggested this might refer to 13 stripes and 50 stars on the U.S flag. So far the only solid theory, others have however suggested it might be a date or a year. Someone pointed out this whole thing might be created by the same person who made a website called Magibon.com. It certainly is as creepy, if not more creepy. This was posted about the Magibon project by it’s creator (Danung)
This is an experiment in memetics, or the phenomenon of cultural transmission on the Internet. The idea was to utilize the fame and popularity of an already-existing cultural instance on the Internet. So I targeted the bizarrely popular YouTube-video-blogger “Mririan” (also known as “Magibon”).. She is a 21-year old (but much younger looking) girl who is most recognized for frequently putting up videos where she stares at the camera without saying much or anything at all. But her videos are seen by millions.
Update 15:
The origin of two more pictures has been found. The skull in the menu spectrogram The bones in the DVD menu
Update 16:
This discovery makes the whole thing seem even more absurd.
One line of polish standard brick is 6,5 cm, the person might be small guy, or a girl (still small)
I was there and I measured.. this person actually has a height of 1.3 meters
Can anyone confirm? This was posted in the comments below. Confirmed.
Update 17:
There’s still a lot of talk about the puzzle. But nothing substantial has been found since the last update. Although there are som many theories and small things that kind of fit, it’s really amazing. You can check the comments to see what I mean. If there’s something you’d like me to include in the next update, do email me. I’m having a pretty hard time keeping track of what’s going on. There has however been some rather funny stuff floating around!
Happy #Halloween ! This is the only costume to go with this year for nerds. Crappily made by me ;) #11BX1371 pic.twitter.com/cNUlOcV5rx — Nico Ernst (@Golemiker) November 1, 2015
Yeah.. Someone dressed up as ‘Birdman’ for Halloween.
We also have some funnies regarding the video..
Even Amazon sells those #11BX1371 tee shirts. Gotta get one. https://t.co/low6V5o063 pic.twitter.com/iWpISU92Sz — Bruno Kerouanton (@kerouanton) October 29, 2015
Pretty awesome @feedly fetching error here, @dailydot cc: @JoeBiden #11BX1371 pic.twitter.com/IVl0oLiOF2
— Jeff Ramos (@ohjefframos) October 24, 2015
So yeah.. It really is ridiculous how far this has gone.
It would be awesome to finally get some real answers.
There is an IRC chat I found on Reddit with people investigating this, feel free to check it out.
If you want to live investigate, here is the chat room:
Site: https://webchat.freenode.net/
chat room: #11BX1371
Update 18:
A new video has popped up. Presumably not by the same creator as the original, due to differences in style. But you never know, so I’ll add it anyway. Even if it’s just the work of copycats it’s pretty interesting.
01101101 01100001 01110010 01110100 01110111 01111001 translates to martwy which in Polish means dead, lifeless, defunct, extinct.
Apparently the footage is from a music video.
There have actually been a few videos claiming to be sequels. (In the original video there is the message ‘There will be three’, some say this means there will be three videos.) The difference is that those videos are mainly ‘remixes’ of the original.
Update 19:
This might be of use:
They Video was sent 11 May 2015 from 8 post office in Warsaw, adress of the PO is Juliana Bruna 34.
The Distance between Post Office and “Zofiówka” is 13,81 – 13,83 miles (I picked 2 points in Zofiówka where trees are close to the wall). Maybe it will help somebody..
People have also been asking me to check the envelope with a UV light. Unfortunately I don’t have one that would do the trick. I might buy one at some point though.
Update 20:
This is somewhat interesting, not sure if it’s useful though
Capricorn symbol on the stamps is also a part of Wingdings font and it represents letter G
Update 21:
It has been suggested that Anonymous has something to do with this video somehow.
The following sentence is from “Anonymous”:
“ISIS, we will hunt you, take down your sites, emails, accounts and expose you. From now on, no safe place for you online.
You will be treated like a virus, and we are the cure.”Maybe ISIS is the virus and Anonymous the “antivirus” – like in our creepy video.
Update 21:
A person claiming to be the creator of the video has stepped up recently on Twitter and Facebook. The person goes under the name Parker Warner Wright.
This isn’t the first person to make it seem like they made the video, but some things about this person stands out. He’s obviously very dedicated and keeps replying to questions, with fairly reasonable responses. He is very straight forward in his answers unlike others who claimed responsibility. The purpose of the video was apparently to make a political statement in an artistic way.
For proof he has posted a picture of the supposed mask, of course people have replicated the mask previously, like the Halloween costume I posted about earlier.
And what might be the source files for the geometric puzzle in the video. He also posted the source code for the blinking light in the hand, which was apparently made using Arduino. However he failed to prove that the PWW Youtube account is his, he says it’s because he forgot the password.
If this is true it’s incredibly exciting. Personally I will remain skeptical for now, some things still don’t make sense, like why send it to me specifically.
Here is a document that was posted with many of his replies to questions.
So what do you think? Could this be the person who made it
Update 22:
Well, it’s starting to really look like the Parker Warner Wright guy is the person who made the video.
Besides the previously provided evidence, he has now changed the description of the original youtube video. Which means he has regained access to his youtube account.
It used to say ‘Are you listening?’, it now says ‘Are you watching?’
He also posted a CD which he says is from the same batch as the one that was sent to me. Suggesting we can confirm using the serial numbers on the CD. I honestly can’t read the serial numbers he provided, but if you want to have a go at it I have included the serial number on the CD I received.
Further photo evidence. This, I think is harder to fake. I am confident, if you match these numbers against the numbers on the disc Gadgetzz received, they should match very closely.
Posted by Parker Wright on Friday, December 4, 2015
Supposedly PWW gave one of the gloves in the video to a collector. However I haven’t been able to find any more than a tweet about it, so I’m not sure.
I’ve asked him about his reason for sending the video to me specifically. The answers were rather obscure and didn’t quite satisfy me, but apparently he received one of my business cards. That suggests he has attended a consumer electronics trade show. It would also
My first thought was the CES in Vegas, but it might make more sense if it was CeBIT or IFA, since these are in Germany and a bit closer to Poland. I have asked him for a picture of the business card, so let’s see if he delivers.
As for peoples reaction to this.. Some are relieved it’s just a piece of art, me included. But many people are also disappointed, since it kills the mystery. The comments on this Facebook post by PWW about sums that up.
Someone would have to be very clever, to produce the amount of evidence I have presented. It’s actually quite…
Posted by Parker Wright on Friday, December 4, 2015
Personally I don’t really know what to think. It may kill the mystery for some, but I’m more curious than ever. This is the closest we’ve been to any actual answers about this whole thing.
He has promised that a follow up version is on the way, which will supposedly fill some of the gaps in the first version.
Update 23:
Things are getting interesting again. Two major things have happened since the last update.
First of all, I joined the IRC chat with people working on this. Thanks for all your work! We couldn’t have gotten this far without so many dedicated people working on it.
They shed some light on the Tweet suggesting that PWW gave one his gloves to a collector. While they didn’t know who it was or any specific details about it, they did send me this image. Supposedly it’s the gloves that PWW was using for the film. They do seem to fit the visual profile, also they could well be wired up to an arduino.
Now why there would be so many versions, when there was (presumably) only one glove used in the video, no one knows. Nor why the fingers are missing. But it’s pretty interesting if it’s real.
The second thing being that the people on the IRC have supposedly solved the enigma. Which is as I understand it, the last part of the puzzle that remained to be solved.
you better kill us next year madafucka you are storbing all the world.
Not sure if anybody did written about it, but the signs on the right of spectrogram from sound in dvd menu are letters written in wingdings font.
I “translated” them, however they still looks gibberish. Maybe somebody will find a solution to this riddle.
nvbv nn n
mnmn ohth
hotohn 4
4 4 999
this might help http://gcc.eisbehr.de/manual/en/enigma.html
https://plus.google.com/u/1/app/basic/photos/photo/112218060532354236376/6213364642419386802?cbp=lufu3w3b9gxm&sview=51&cid=5&soc-app=115&soc-platform=1&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fplus.google.com&spath=%2Fu%2F1%2Fapp%2Fbasic%2Fphotos%2F112218060532354236376%2Falbum%2F6213364639936458321&sparm=sview%3D7%26authkey%3DCIPfn5Dyiuqd8AE%26iem%3D3%26origin%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fplus.google.com%26usegapi%3D1%26id%3DI0_1446661684028%26parent%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fplus.google.com%26pfname%26rpctoken%3D32092857%26jsh%3Dm%3B%2F_%2Fscs%2Fapps-static%2F_%2Fjs%2Fk%253Doz.gapi.it.J72zl2EHeH4.O%2Fm%253D__features__%2Fam%253DAQ%2Frt%253Dj%2Fd%253D1%2Ft%253Dzcms%2Frs%253DAGLTcCNoIo1JPmALgsG4UQ1YRwHCdjWAEA&authkey=CIPfn5Dyiuqd8AE&pct=ab&pcv=6213364639936458321 the g letter is a famous freemason letter
i found this different hours of the day in the clock thah we can see in the video, and they all end up with the number five. Then I found this adress: GA 31072, pitts, united states.
“23-w 07-g 06-f 24-x”
Four sets of two-digit, single-alpha characters:
00:09.720: 24-X (gesturing 3)
00:10.320: 07-G (gesturing 1)
00:11.840: 06-F (gesturing 2)
01:16.440: 23-W
“nicemilio” on http://joemonster.org/art/33954
I made a quick look if you rearrange the numbers as he makes the gesturing you get a number if you write it on you cellphone:
Gesturing 1: 07(G=4)
Gesturing 2: 06(F=3)
Gesturing 3: 24(X=9)
gusturing “pointing” 23(W=9)
And the last one have the pointing gesturing but i have no point if that is relevant but i guess it has!
So that makes the whole number in 1,2,3, “pointing” order: “074 – 063 – 249 – 239”
and in the order of the normal 3,1,2, “pointing”: “249 – 074 – 063 – 239”
Please help and see if it´s something like gps or some code, and see if i have right or not.
It must be something and i guess it might be important.
This is only a theory! But a good theory so far i hope.
Hi guys.
I follow this thread from the beggining. I’m so excited, and also scared. After that I went to library to borrow some books about Mayan number system and something like that. I was trying to get to that place when it was recorded.
And now the best of all. From few days, my friend (she know about that video and she is scared :P) had a phone call from unknown number. She had over 20 of that between 8PM and 2AM. When she answer that call nobody was talking and she said it was same “music” like in that video. I didn’t heard that so I can’t confirm but it’s looks kinda creepy. I was looking about that number a bit and people say it’s calling pollster. I was thinking about make a call to this number. I’m not scary ’bout that what I will hear but it can cost me more that I can earn in a month :P
Is there any way to make a free call from PC?
If you wan’t that number, let me know. I will PM it to ya :)
Cya, hope I will survive.
Pls pm me with the number.
I guess you could try ”prankdial.com” just to see if someone’s going to answer
please give me the number.
send the number to this email [email protected]
The date is rather 11052015 (which in typical day-month-year order is 11th of May 2015).
Post office “Warszawa 8” is located at Julian Brun street number 34 on Mokotów city district.
Handwriting does not look ‘Polish’ – especially ‘J’ and ‘1’ are rather US-style.
That much stamps doesn’t look strange for me – their sum is 11,50 PLN which equals price for 50-100g letter within Europe (http://cennik.poczta-polska.pl/usluga,zagraniczny_przesylka_listowa.html).
There is capricorn on 5 zł (PLN) stamps and Łopuszna 1790 manor house on 0,50 zł stamps (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lopuszna).
They may be a clue, but I think they were just regular stamps, first in a row, that were easy to sum to 11,50 PLN; sold and stuck by post office employee.
Does anybody noticed that there is some information in the .ISO document it self. If you open as MS Word you can find who created the disc. There is what i found:
2015-05-09, 18:53:52
2015-05-09, 18:53:52
2015-05-09, 18:53:52
MKI Sat May 9 18:53:52 2015
3.00 -V 11B-X-1371 -dvd-video -o …/11B-X-1371.iso …/11B-X-1371
They are the software creators, not the film makers…
might be but why date is 2015-05-19. Probably this is the date when disc was burned?
yes it is
If you are looking for subtle motions, check out http://people.csail.mit.edu/mrub/vidmag/#publications_analysis. There is publicly available code on this site to enhance motions in videos so that they can be seen. It allows you to see a person’s heart rate. They also found that they can extract sound from objects by measuring the small movements in objects caused by sound waves.
Someone smarter than me want to take a crack at that?
The INFERNO Dan Brown book narrates a video exactly identical to that comment in the video. In the video description reads: “You have a year less.” In 2016 debuts the film reference to the book of Dan Brown INFERNO . One year left for the premiere. CHANCE? DO NOT!!! Campaign equal to that of “Charlie charlie, and the hollow”. THANK YOU :)
“You have a year or less” you can read on more than 14 Million Websites:
Maybe a SOLUTION of “23-w 07-g 06-f 24-x”:
I think I have found something: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_7 and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregorian_calendar
Maybe the key to 3-1-2 (and other puzzles).
On the question of the measure of bricks, I personally counted around 20-22 tall brick, considering the brick with 6.5 cm, one would measure 1.30 m to 1.43M, but that did not take into consideration is that between the bricks there adhesive mortar, so that 6.5 cm was replaced by 8.5 cm, so the correct measurement is 1.70 to 1,87m high. translating into feet – 5.57 to 6,14ft considered normal height, not a hobbit.
its saying theres going to be an pandemic virus and the new world order is going to rise up, we have one year or less
I have been listening to this stuff about how theres going to be a virus and natural disasters and stuff like that since 2000. There is NOT going to be any type of virus coming any time soon.
I’m afraid, you are right:( But remaining time is incorrect. I know much more (don’t ask for sources – not all of them are public, just compare my message with the Puzzle):
“A new order is on the rise. You will join, or you will fall. The virus has spread too far; it must be stopped. We will dike it at it’s root. 13 ani 50, will burn.” – this must be understood literally, i.e. AS IS, not metaphoric. Maybe this said someone from the future:
“A new order is on the rise” – it means a kind of new NATO: Russia, China, Iran and other Muslim Countries Are New order, New alliance. This become well known only after 2015/05/09 – Russian Military Show with Chinese leader. This explains videos date.
This alliance will become more and more strong: “You will join, or you will fall” means that there will be NO OTHER alive winner, except them. Why?.. Be cause of “The virus has spread too far; it must be stopped.” This phrase has at least two actual meanings: dollar and its financial hegemony is the virus and will be stopped (few steps, which I know, i.e. “We will dike it at it’s root.”: “dike” is mr.Putin’s Well-known expression!). AND MAIN meaning:
Old World Order will (which is for now) absolutely disagree with Rise of NEW World Order (1st of all, by using current anti-russian sanctions). It means WAR(s), partially nuclear, but not on their territory (not WW3, but New Vietnamese War(s)). Where?.. Potentially in Syria, but… In fact, in Ukraine. There is AT LEAST one full year before HOT stage (NATO officially join + Russian Military forces). After that It takes AT LEAST one full year (and it also match “We will dike it at it’s root.” – IT means “13 ani 50”, in this context USA). After this, to FINALLY define the winner, there will be launched THE VIRUS. It will be genetic hybrid of H5N1, Ebola virus, HIV and other unknown viruses: few hours is for one man, few weeks is for any country, few months (6-9) is for pandemic (“We will dike it at it’s root.”). After pandemic, there will be COMPLETE victory of New World Order. Someone (maybe even 13 ani 50) (un)fortunately helps to rise NWO by killing all Old World Order (“You will join, or you will fall”/dead). And LAST thing: “13 ani 50, will burn.”. it is also THE ROOT. Remember GPS coords of White House? Because of the fact, that the Pandemic cannot reach USA. USA will burn. Literally. Something is going to help Yellowstone to erupt. Remember predictions of Edgar Cayce about 44-th president: Fire and Ash in the last 44-th room?..
P.S. I am sorry for some mistakes – English isn’t my native language. I represent research com.
I don’t want to scare anyone. I’m not sure, that I can (and should!) tell anything else. So you are WELCOME to forget all of my words! But remember, that is Not Just a puzzle – it is from another time…
Maybe author is Time traveller.
Maybe he is Mason (THEIR PLAN?)
Maybe this is a kind of Strange Prophetic Story By Edgar Allen Poe (“Fate Of Richard Parker”).
I don’t know. But WHEREVER the author is unreachable.
Government has some info and didn’t respect this puzzle: removes comments and links in Facebook, etc. They could even create false evidence of “exposing”, for example, which will point on Dan Brown. But, even this is really him (almost impossible):
1) It is kind of Strange Prophetic Story By Edgar Allen Poe (“Fate Of Richard Parker”) Or “Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan” is an 1898 novella written by Morgan Robertson (10 years before TITANIC sank);
2) Whatever happens, you should keep in mind this Puzzle. This will be proven and understood in 3-6 years.
Best regards:)
Oh, just find it interesting that nobody has thought about trying to reverse that creepy voice at the beginning of the video and decode it… guess u ppl have not played the game “the dark room”
links below:
This requires you to download the video “Turn Around Redux”, and either reverse the entire video or just the soundtrack. How you reverse it depends on your system, you can use a free editor like Audacity or you might have a program that will do it already on your computer. Listen to it and you’ll receive a clue, although the clue actually has an error, and you’ll need to capitalize the last letter.
New photo of this puzzle : http://vshare.io/d/553562c high resolution format : png
just found made feb 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFTOaf4OZuc
Somebody posted this video in coments few days ago.
Movie was recorded between 24.03.2015 – 22.04.2015
Photos from 24.03.2015 http://pkarwowski.pl/Blog/?p=7756 -> http://pkarwowski.pl/Blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DSC_0784-1024×684.jpg
Photos from 22.04.2015 http://szaryburek.blox.pl/2015/04/Szpital-psychiatryczny-Zofiowka.html -> https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8712/17224783221_41eea08bd4_b.jpg
I know but if you watch the video it shows the room the room has the green painting on wall.the video was shot in February .the photos of the same room from March doesn’t show the green paint
2 green rectangles on both sides of window on left wall?
Photo from march is black and white so You have to look very close to see it.
On photo from april they are the same like in feb and march.
Really? No one noticed that AETBX is from Spain?
just found this .was made feb.2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFTOaf4OZuc
Johny the 4X6 cipher is unclear, get a hold of the guy who made this and find a creative way to get us the info, we are being patient but if you think for pne second we believe your story your WRONG. Get us the info or the birdman gets it
I agree. Clues are too scattered and messages are not related to each other.
The puzzle is losing interest without progress. John, or give us some other clues or will it all end in oblivion
Has anyone been able to find this on the deep web? I feel like this is where the most progress would have been made. If so please post link
I just found this image on /b/ , the thread was deleted a few minutes later because nobody replied …
The image name was “-.-”
If i translated correctly , the Code in the image translates too
is this new or old ?
What i have sen this is new, but is it The video? Om it have some other origen,
…-… does not exist in morse code.
OK what we know for sure:
1. Some guys – one birdman (plague doctor), one cameraman
2. send video full of hidden messages
3. Video was made at may 2015 in ex-psychiatric hospital for Jews and later infectious diseases in Poland
4. Anyone tried to break the morse code here?
5. There are a lot of letters/numbers in the video, some of them hard to read
6. Hidden coordinates to white house
7. 13 ani 50 (1350? Black Death? It connects then with his robe and mask and the place – after war the hospital was used for infectious diseases)
8. The person in robe shows number 3 and writes letter G and J in non-european style
9. Fuck you Bell? Is it the company in Canada? fuckyoubell.com (hard to connect it)
10. The person on the video is about 170 cm tall
11. 01101101 01110101 01100101 01110010 01110100 01100101 in binary code means “muerte” (death)
12. What about the information about mirror and coordinates to Eastern Island? Maybe some of the informations should be red backwards? (like in the mirror and rongorongo, the language of Eastern Island)
3. Movie was recorded beteween 24.03.2015 – 22.04.2015 …
Germany: My roommate (girl) received this mail on Thursday 29th . The envelop had a threatening metaphoric message. And inside was a CD containing this video file. The file name is 6 item binary code.
Everything is the same to the original case, except:
– Envelope did not have more stamps, just one stamp
– CD did not have any markings on it
– Message on the envelope
Her name was spelled incorrectly, so we dont thing it is somebody who knows her well.
Copycat, halloween prank, or the same person/organization that send the first mail? Are there anymore cases of this happening?
Are you serious? Please post images or something.
I am very serious. Here are the images:
Envelope: http://postimg.org/image/offlsx4pv/
stamp: http://postimg.org/image/dgk9kycy3/
screenshot of file properties: http://postimg.org/image/5edvnnf07/
can you upload the video file somewhere?
To me it seems that is the same video, with same encrypted messages. But would be good if somebody can confirm this, and see if there are some new messages. Here is the video:
Name of the file is the decrypts as the name of the hometown of the girl.
Name of the CD: “mira” – spanish for see. The girl who has received it has Spanish as native language.
The message is in spanish. I’m portuguese but i can understand what is written there as the language has some similarities. It says “Since the world is a world” and “Raise crows and they will remove your eyes”. It’s kinda weird that she received that out of nowhere. Where did that come from? Are you able to determine it? The stamp is from a nacional or international delivery? Sorry if the question is dumb, i dont understand anything about german stamps.
Yes, out of the sudden. No dumb questions, it is a nacional delivery. It seems that the code on stamp is from Bonn (not the place she lives), but not 100 sure. Anyway it is quite obvious that is not the same sender.
She was not too much into decrypting it, so no reason why would somebody put effort in putting her birthday in date of creation.
The quality is better than the original or any ISO we currently have.
Cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojos = Breed crows, and they’ll take out your eyes
Idiomatic spanish expression
A possible equivalent, but not an idiomatic expression:
You can take an animal out of the wild, but you can’t take the wild out of an animal.
It’s a Linkin Park song too
the file name is i hex, converted to ascii is “Popayan” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popay%C3%A1n
What is in the video file ??????
Video: https://youtu.be/T_0Y_kbMM4I
Well, since she has a spanish root and whoever sent this knew what was her hometown i would assume this was a personal prank/threat directed to that girl. Probably not linked to the original, i would guess… Seems too personal to me.
We think the same. Can somebody confirm if the video is exactly the same?
mmhhh….. mistery man said “Three video, one person”…
There will be three….
Probably this is the second one…
Some people are reporting the quality is quite good on this version. Some say its higher than the quality on the original one (strange if that is). Can you make a iso of the DVD and give us a link to download it? It would help to compare it more exactly. Plus, did the DVD have the same menu as the original one? Or just the video file? Anywya, if you could get us the ISO it would help a bit.
It would be really strange if the quality is better than the original.
Here is the link to the iso file:
Keep us posted.
Did you know that the national flower of colombia is the orchid ? , the same that is on the stamp.
Video: https://youtu.be/T_0Y_kbMM4I
I’m from Germany, too.
Where do you and your roommate come from?
Das Bundesland würde mich auch schon reichen ;)
Von Bonn wurde es gesendet, richtig?
UPDATE: The culprit came clean: the video was a send as prank from a friend. Sorry for the inconveniences and keep up the good work!
Hi. I think I found one important clue today. Look at this pic. Do you think that might have something to do with?
New video from Zofiówka
One line of polish standard brick is 6,5 cm, the person might be small guy, or a girl (still small)
I was there and I measured.. this person actually has a height of 1.3 meters
Can anyone confirm?
NO, seems not. From the photos you can count 23 brick’s row. The space between every row could be 1 cm (as it is common used in buildings).
(23 x 6.5) + 22 = 171 cm
So it is an average height
The building was made before war. The polish brick before war was 6 cm, not 6,5 cm
Since I read about this video, there’s some terrific beside of it. Today, I was reading some news meanwhile I viewed my FB’s profile, and I’ve foundthis following news’ link (https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/190188-nuevo-caso-peste-bubonica-eeuu)… I’m afraid of that… Maybe it’s happening right now…
I thought again about 13 and 50… Maybe it have a lots of meaning??? 13 day of wk50 (it will be 13.12.15)? Moreover, I put this numbers in search. I found: Hoseynabad (35°13′ N 50°19′ E), Zarandieh. Even, if it is a prank- it is better than TV :)
I like this riddle, how about this?
There are some letters in the line on video,
some missing but one word is readable:
an arrow throught, yes ;)
It was said : “Strike an arrow through the heart of the eagle” perhaps yes perhaps not good job by the way ;)
Here is my thought on this video.I really don’t think he is talking about a biological virus but about American polices.that’s the reference to the white house and president. Just look what is happening in Syria and the huge refuge into europe.
I became interested in the last event and also decided to join him , threw the film to the editor and imposed on it a filter, a look what I found!
What have you found ? I can’t see any thing that we already do not known
The plague.
Everyone has noticed the clear reference to the plague in the character of the video, we in Italy have an important novel set in one of the recrudescence of the second pandemic, which continued to strike until 1600.
Yes, because the thing that struck me most was the prophecy of the video: In 2015 there will be three. Thing? I thought. Attacks? Film Hunger games? Lunar eclipses?
Looking for answers I visited the wiki page on the plague: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plague_(disease)
Them it turns out, remaining surprised, that there were three pandemics of plague in history, exacerbated by the increase in world population, but calmierate from medical breakthroughs. The worst was the fact that second shots from 1300 until 1800, while the third, China and Eastern Europe, was quickly contained.
Three pandemics, one in the east, but the first two in Europe. Scientists admit that there is a serious danger of the spread of the plague these days, because of the population density, but they agree that the current plague bacillus is the pathogen as that of previous centuries. This is encouraging. At the same time, it is possible that the causative agent of “Black Death” is also replaced with a new infection of the plague, with which physicians should only learn to fight.
In the video, if it was just a joke very well thought out to attract attention, hidden phrases such as “we are the vaccine.” It could be a metaphor or a worrying sign that bacteria have an enhanced, which are the only ones to possess the cure. So the goal would be Europe, to bring to pass the prediction, assured that the bacteria will spread rapidly in the United States.
I did not understand it the message of the coordinates of the white house, I do not know at this point what would mean. Thanks for your attention. I wanted to give my contribution to the discussion.
I promessi sposi…
Il problema qua è che il video e tutte le varie soluzioni degli indovinelli non hanno portato a nulla di utile, se non al fatto che chiunque abbia fatto questo video l’ha fatto per spaventare/attrarre/impegnare le persone che lo guardano e si incuriosiscono. E’ una specie di ARG, il problema è che non è un ARG voluto.
Non so cosa sia un’ARG, ma non sto correndo per la strada pensando che sia tutto vero nel video. Semplicemente mi sono chiesto dove volevano arrivare questi pazzi, quale minaccia paventano, che sia reale o fasulla. Quella della pandemia di peste mi sembra una ipotesi chiara e plausibile, sebbene io speri in uno squallido scherzo. Se avessimo a che fare con fondamentalisti, potrebbe non esserci molto da ridere. I pazzi ci stanno, e ultimamente hanno uno stato tutto loro che si ingrandisce a macchia d’olio. Ogni riferimento è casuale. ;)
I apologize for the mistakes in the translation.
1. What? I thought … and not: thing? I thought
2. The third pandemic hit China and East Asian countries, not Eastern Europe, otherwise my guess on the third pandemic that could hit the West would be meaningless.
3. The current bacillus is less pathogenic than in the past.
4. If it was not a joke … and not: if it was just a joke
5. The target could be the Europe … and not: the goal would be …
Thank you.
https://www.youtube.com/user/krainagrzybowtv/feed I think it’s related to this film!!!!!!!!!!
I think it’s related to this film https://www.youtube.com/user/krainagrzybowtv/about
Nie wiem czy zostawił się kom. Powtórka. Czy zwrócił ktoś uwagę na migającą lampkę na rękawiczce? Alfabet Morse’a? Następne. Kwadracik w prawym dolnym rogu z trójkątami i kropkami. Harcerski szyfr? Pewnie to nie aż takie proste. ale widać podobieństwo.
I do not know whether leave a comment. Replay. Is anyone paying attention to the flashing light on the glove? Morse code? Next. The square in the lower right corner of triangles and dots. Scouts cipher? It’s probably not that simple. but I can see the resemblance.
Anybody kept eye on his fkn glove-lapm? Hej hej. Ktoś zwrócił uwagę na lampkę na rękawiczce? Blink blink. morse alphabet??
I think that the Video is just a really really good Hoax. Look at the Facts:
The Video is clearly full of details, but just a few match together and If they match the point of it just hints to the black death period.
The whole conspiracy just generates massive traffic on this page, which means money in the pocket of the Owner…you see the point?
I mean it is very very good! And I enjoyed the riddle but I think at the end, its a hoax.
If you want to have fun on a motorbike in your Android cellphone then we might recommend Moto X Mayhem as a
Can be something! But then if it is then all of this is a story to follow the website and it have been done with an big A++
But i guess that you already have thougt the same “shmoo”
“2015THEREWILLBE(THREE)” (found on reddit) -> there will be three Friday the 13th in 2015. The last one will be 13th of november.
The capricorn (Pan) is shown in tarot on the big Arkana on number XV
Johny we know your behind all of this the only question is who did you get to make the tape for you, how much did you pay them and why they chose to make the 4X6 text so hard to read.
I have find some new weird thinks just look at this ! :http://imgur.com/a/g6TCK
I have found this now and i dont know if it has been undiscoverd before !
Sorry for my bad english i am frech so ..
Jeżeli maska jest skórzana i ktoś jest z Otwocka to wygooglujcie kuśnierzy w Otwocku pokażcie mu zdjęcie i zapytajcie o maskę. Jest przynajmniej jeden. Jeżeli to ludzie z Otwocka plus jakiś Kanadol z erasmusa to może maska była na zamówienie. Taki pomysł jeśli komuś zależy
Co do tych których zabawa już nie bawi: Wiecie co, osobiście nie interesuje mnie kto i ile na tym zarobi. Niech ma. Dla mnie jak i pewnie wielu jest to fajna zagadka z dreszczykiem. Gdyby to był terrorysta lub coś to na pewno przekaz nie byłby taki ukryty a wręcz jego nie ma. Arabusy odcinają głowy i przekaz jest jasny. Jeżeli to już wszystko to fajnie jakby autor się ujawnił, lub jakbyśmy go znaleźli nawet jeśli to praca licencjacka z PWST. To zabawa i niech sobie Johny jedzie na Hawaje bo na to zasłużył tylko najpierw niech wszystko zostanie ujawnione.
EN: If mask i made from leather maybe someone in Otwock can find leatherworker and ask for it. Maybe mask was ordered even for the theatrical group.
For those one who lost fun in it: I dont care about who and how many dollars will get for it. Let him have it. For me and propably for many it is just a riddle with thrill. If this is terrorist or someone else his message will be clear. Here there is no message. Muslims cuts heads and this is clear. If we solved everything it will be good when creator will reveal himself and we will have got explained all of it. Even if this is some High School Grade work for Theatrical School. Its fun and let Johny have his Hawaii Vacation for it. Well made…
I found this http://imgur.com/niqLOTg
I think that is new riddle or smn miss it – it’s only one frame and i don’t know what is it.
I found a font wich looks like those signs. It’s name is Gutenberg Labo G L Antique 2003.
I found it on this page ( http://luc.devroye.org/fonts-53848.html ) but i don’t know how to download this font.
look at fat arrow is more like wingdings 3
Just saw there is got already cracked. It’s Wingdings 3.
“A new order is on the rise. You will join, or you will fall. The virus has spread too far; it must be stopped. We will dike it at it’s root. 13 and 50, will burn.”
Before posting anything, please, check what’s already found/solved.
“2015THEREWILLBE(THREE)” may be a reference to the 3rd american president to be assassinated during his mandate.
Did you carefully remove the stamps from the envelope and checked if there is something underneath them (e.g. printed on the envelope)?
my theory is that they might be greating some new plague?
if we take theyre motto:We are plague we are antivirus
and take the costume that was in vid
year or less to live
the spectogram image with message:oh your still alive?
if we combine them:
plague doctor costume was used during pubonic plague or black death
year or less to live might point to the fact that plague can spread fast
death is what follows after youre infected
oh your still alive message means that these guys are trying to kill something
so my theory is that they try to remake the plague
either way i would give this video to goverment or police due to message about kill the president and the white house coordinates.
thanks for reading
There’s one thing you haven’t noticed. The whole idea of the video is based on a book titled “Inferno” written by Dan Brown.
One of the characters in this book is a crazy scientist, who created a virus which was supposed to make 2/3 of the population on Earth infertile. In one point of the story he wanted to reveal this information to the media. He created a creepy video of himself, wearing the bird mask anda black death doctor costume. In the book, the video was shot in a cave and showed only his shadow, but the simmilarity can’t be coincidential.
Also the codes, simbolism, it’s a part of every book of Dan Brown. It makes me think that the video is not a message or a serious thing, just something created by a really creative troll and fan of Dan Brown’s novels. I don’t know why he/she sent the CD especially to you. Probably he/she knew that it was the best way to make the video public and he/she was right. Maybe he/she visits this page on a daily basis, maybe he/she has an account.
2015THEREWILLBE(THREE) in my opinion” 2015 there will be” the video will be in 2015 year. (correct right?) :(THREE) it’s means the third quarter of the year.
Popably it is hint to some one to put this video to inthertet and make it fomous in the third quater od year. Look video is on internet may and there was no publicity. Look at this now is third quater of the year and this video has a huge popularity.