Photo: Liseberg
The amusement park ‘Liseberg’ located at the heart of Gothenburg, Sweden, had a really cool Halloween theme this year. They had four haunted houses, one of which was like walking through a map on the Zombie FPS game Left 4 Dead.
The zombie house was a really well made office environment, destroyed by Zombies. Throughout the house you encountered really well made up zombies rushing towards you. Though never touching you, it was still about as authentic as a zombie attack simulation can be.
From the second I walked in, it felt like the first map of L4D2. It was really cool. What made it so good wasn’t just the setting and the well performing Zombie actors. It was also just how detailed the whole setup was. It truly looked authentic.
For the most part anyway, I’m not sure what was supposed to have happened with the restrooms at this office. I’m assuming zombies suffer from intestinal issues due to their odd diet.
Here are more pictures from the Zombie District “District Z”
Another one of the haunted houses they had was called ‘The Expermient’. This one was located where the ride ‘AtmosFear’ usually is, which is a already sort of industrial looking, so it was a good fit. This one featured more animatronics that the others. But all in all was fairly similar to the Zombie house, though the actors were ‘failed experiments’ rather than zombies.
You can get a peek at the Zombie experience in this rather silly video. They fooled some testsubjects that they would get a VR experience. When in reality they were in the zombie house.
(As someone pointed out, these people must not have tried VR headsets before, to not notice the lack of lack of quality.)
The Halloween themed Liseberg will be open from 28th of October to the 6th of November.
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