
What is CISPA and what companies support it. The new SOPA/PIPA


Think the bullshit with SOPA, PIPA and ACTA is over? Nope.  Welcome the new legislation, CISPA to the club of retarded legislations!

The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) allows companies to collect information about people and give it to the US government in the name of cyber security. The main problem with the bill is that it is so broad it can even lead to companies and the government monitoring and censoring what people say.

Online activists who helped slow down the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) earlier this year have now turned their sights to a House cybersecurity bill, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA).

A spokesperson for the US based Centre for Democracy and Technology said that what is of major concern is the fact that CISPA is extremely vast in terms of the types of information it will allow the government to receive. She also said that the bill would create a vast hole in all existing privacy laws and could be used as a back door wire tapper of sorts.

Electronic Frontier Foundation says that CISPA uses such sweeping language that it would give companies and the government new powers to monitor and censor communications for copyright infringement. It could also be a powerful weapon to use against whistleblower websites like WikiLeaks.

But a House aide who supports CISPA said the measure has nothing to do with anti-piracy enforcement or censorship.

“There’s no authority to censor or block sites in the bill,” he said. “The only authority is to share information with the private sector and for them to voluntarily share it with the government. There’s nothing in here that would allow you to block or shutdown a website.”

CISPA, which is authored by Reps. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.) and has more than 100 co-sponsors,
who favor the cybersecurity legislation, but do not take into account what it can do to the everyday Internet user. It is expected to come to the House floor for a vote during the week of April 23.

The goal of legislation is to help companies beef up their defenses against hackers who steal business secrets, rob customer financial information and wreak havoc on computer systems.

I say this is a plain lie, if it was to stop cyber criminals from stealing secret information it would target those kind of users, not people on the internet as a whole.  I think its our right to remain Anonymous and unsupervised on the internet. The same way we dont want a FBI camera in our bedroom.

Goddamn, why does obama even consider these bullshit legislations when he saw what we thought of SOPA and PIPA??
Full text of CISPA here: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:H.R.3523:

Petitions to stop CISPA

AVAAZ petition: http://www.avaaz.org/en/stop_cispa/?fp

Demand Progress: http://act.demandprogress.org/sign/new_sopa/


However guys, dont forget that ACTA can still very much pass if we dont work against that aswell.


See what major US corporations and business associations have to say about the new bipartisan
‘Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act

Companies in support of CISPA
Business Roundtable
CTIA – The Wireless Association
Cyber, Space & Intelligence Association
Edison Electric
The Financial Services Roundtable
Independent Telephone & Telecommunications Alliance
Information Technology Industry Council
Internet Security Alliance
Lockheed Martin
National Cable & Telecommunications Association
US Chamber of Commerce
US Telecom – The Broadband Association