This is the kind of innovation i’ve been waiting for, it’s the sprint Kyocera Echo. As you see it has dual touchscreens in a sort of clamshell form factor. It resembles the acer iconica laptop. And those two screens are 3.5″ wil a resolution of 480×800. Also the are connected by a new type of hinge wich Kyocera recently patented, that uses liquid metal of some sort. The phone can be used a s a single screen phone if closed. Also it runs on 1ghz snapdragon processor with android 2.2, hopefully 3.0 in a few months. It comes with an extra battery as wellm And a 5mp camera. It has 3g HSDPA but no 4g. It is supposed to be released in a few months for 199$ and that with a 100$ off rebate. Only thing i hope is is a GSm modell. The two screens can be used for running simultaneus apps, or combining them as one screen. Interesting..
Sprint Kyocera Echo, dual screen touch phone

stingrays can see
Awesome Phone! :O