
The new cheap Apple Tv

This is the new apple tv, a black small thing. It has HDMI, Ethernet, optical audio, and USB plugs around back, and of course 802.11n for the cable haters. Inside there ain’t much — there’s no local storage, which puts this thing in a whole other league than old Apple TVs, relying entirely on the “cloud” for content. Those new streaming HD TV rentals from ABC and Fox will be a mere 99 cents, while first run HD movies will be a less thrilling $4.99. Other services include Netflix, YouTube, Flickr, and Mobile Me, along with Rotten Tomatoes integration in the movie catalog. You can also stream from your computer, if you miss those old hard drive-sourced days of yore, but the new air play also enables streaming from an iPad straight to an Apple TV for something much more surreal. The best news? Apple will start shipping this sucker four weeks from now for $99.