
Hexacopter Breaks World Record and Takes First Aerial Pictures of ALMA


The flight, which is being registered as a Guinness World Record for multi-rotor aircraft at high altitude, was achieved thanks to the aircraft’s carbon fiber platform with six remotely controlled propellers. The security of the antennas was under control, even if the hexacopter was very light (1,8 kilos) and there was wind of around 15-30 k/h. This is because it has a GPS system that makes it return and land at the same place of departure, in case it loses the radio signal.

“Until the day we arrived at the ALMA site there was no record of such a device flying so high. Due to the low atmospheric pressure, propeller resistance in the air gets reduced, preventing them from elevating”, states photographer Ariel Marinkovic, X-cam member who led the experience.

And the images are great, you can check them out here!