Augumented reality glasses, read text messages, google things, watch the news. All without even lifting your hands. Sounds pretty sci fi to me, in other words awesome. But does google think we will all go around with google glasses in the future? Maybe maybe not, either way the idea is cool.
People I have spoken with who have have seen Project Glass said there is a misconception that the glasses will interfere with people’s daily life too much, constantly streaming information to them and distracting from the real world. But these people said the glasses actually free people up from technology.
One person who had used the glasses said: “They let technology get out of your way. If I want to take a picture I don’t have to reach into my pocket and take out my phone; I just press a button at the top of the glasses and that’s it.”

Project Glass is one of many projects currently being built inside the Google X offices, a secretive laboratory near Google’s main Mountain View, Calif., campus where engineers and scientists are also working on robots and space elevators.
a secretive laboratory