Rumors say that a new Nook from Barnes and noble will be revealed soon. This new version will feature touchscreen and color. What more? Barnes and noble recently registered the domain name “” which suggests a new nook with color screen. And according to The Wall Street Journal, the company will soon launch Nook Kids, a dedicated collection for young readers expected to start with an impressive selection of 12,000 titles. Many of those will be “enhanced,” like the book Jamberry, having one page with falling blueberries that kids can pop with a tap. That seems to be further proof of a full touchscreen on the rumored ColorNook expected to be Unveiled this Tuesday. Later in the year look for a Nook Kids app on the iPad and other devices. And this render of the new nook was actually published on B&N’s web-page by accident but later removed.
New B&N Nook with color and touchscreen

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