
The T-Shirt That Can't Get Wet, Or Dirty

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water proof t-shirt

I don’t write that often about clothing, but this one instantly caught my attention. Thanks to a thin layer of silica particles in this polyester shirt It can neither get wet or dirty. According to the creator it can handle everything from regular water to ketchup, sodas and sauces. All this while still being soft and breathable. The unique, anti-stain feature can last up to 80 cycles of washing.

Something similar does exist called NeverWet. However this one doesn’t use any weird chemicals at all. And while i think the truth lies somewhere between these two. It’s clearly better not to have to apply anything to your clothes to get the desired effect.

Silic creator Aamir Patel, a San Francisco student who successfully funded shirts that can be written on with light, holds a can of NeverWet in the promo vid and says it contains a chemical known to cause cancer and birth defects, referring to California warnings on the label. (Rust-Oleum, maker of NeverWet, counters that the product is safe.

I’m quite curious to try one of these out for myself to see if it really is that good.


Silic is currently up for funding on Kickstarter, where a pledge of $48 will get you one of your very own.


silic t-shirt