
USB Update Capable of 10GB/s Demonstrated

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https://i0.wp.com/static.feber.se/article_images/12/32/08/123208_300.jpg?resize=303%2C250USB 3.0 will soon be capable of speeds of 10 Gb /s. At CES a version that is twice as fast as today’s USB technology was presented.
According to the group that unveiled the new version of USB 3.0 at CES, the new high-speed USB technology, called SuperSpeed ​​USB, to be completed by mid-year. With it you should be able to transfer data at a speed of 10 Gb / s, which is twice as fast as existing USB technology is capable of.

It should be possible to use the technology with existing cables and connectors. The hope is that users who manage large files, such as video in HD quality or 3d, to take advantage of the new and fast USB technology. Some new products that use the new technology was not presented.

In the group that markets SuperSpeed ​​USB include HP, Intel, Microsoft, Renesas, ST-Ericsson and Texas Instruments. In early February, the Intel host a conference on technology.

They also mentioned better backward compability. Also on a sidenote, should this be called usb 3.1?