You might have noticed a lack of new articles and updates on the crypto puzzles we follow.
There are a few reasons for this. I have been having technical issues with the website. I wasn’t able to post at all for several months in 2019. While it was a difficult issue to resolve it has (as you can see) been taken care of.
The second reason is that I lead a busy life. I’m trying to establish a business while running Gadgetzz on the side. I also have trouble keeping myself motivated.
This post is just to say that I’m back! And my hope is that I can run Gadgetzz more effectively now and write about those unusual gadgets that you came here to read about.
You might have noticed an influx of posts by ‘Guest authors’. This is because I have opened up to outside help.
An important distinction between the guest posts and sponsored posts is that guest posts are free to submit. The purpose of them is to be as useful and interesting as my own articles. So you won’t confuse an article with an ad I will label sponsored posts as such in the beginning of the article in question.
I hope you enjoy reading Gadgetzz. And feel free to get in touch with me if you want to contribute a tech related guest post. (They can’t be ads and can’t include do-follow links.)
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